Build highly responsive experiences with Syndicate’s webhook service and skip having to build and maintain a costly indexer. With a single API call you can subscribe to all the transaction status updates associated with your project and get notified of onchain events faster than traditional indexers and APIs. As soon as a transaction is confirmed you can dynamically re-render your application, send a push notification, or kick off a background job. These webhooks are designed with reliability in mind, and reconcile data across both onchain and off-chain sources for accuracy.

Authenticating Syndicate Events

For security, Syndicate webhooks are signed with a unique secret, verifying that the events originate from Syndicate, not an imposter. Each event from Syndicate includes a Syndicate-Signature header. Authenticate this signature by generating a SHA256 HMAC with your webhook secret and the event payload, then compare this to the Syndicate-Signature header value.

Guarding Against Replay Attacks

Each Syndicate-Signature header contains a timestamp in milliseconds, a crucial element in preventing replay attacks. To enhance security, we strongly advise that you only trust messages with timestamps that are less than 5 minutes old and discard any others.

Example of Syndicate Signature format

Below is an example showcasing the format of a Syndicate-Signature.

syndicate-signature: t=823230245000,s=e212625c3ee9a48f940aab506f8c65915f4512fa0da46bc960878eb413d024b7

Verifying Signatures


Read the Syndicate-Signature header

Retrieve the syndicate-signature header from the webhook request. Divide the header string using , to separate elements. Further divide each element with = to identify prefix and value pairs. The prefix t indicates the timestamp in milliseconds, and s the signature.


Generate the payload

To form the payload, merge the following elements:

  • Get the actual JSON body (your request body). This body will have the following format: { data: CallbackInformation, eventType: EventType}
2 "data": {
3 "testField": "test",
4 "testObject": {
5 "field1": 123,
6 "field2": "hello"
7 }
8 },
9 "eventType": "TransactionStatusChange",
  • Attach a triggeredAt field with the timestamp of the signature.

The payload should look like this:

2 "data": {
3 "testField": "test",
4 "testObject": {
5 "field1": 123,
6 "field2": "hello"
7 }
8 },
9 "eventType": "TransactionStatusChange",
10 "triggeredAt": 1701458678392

Note: The payload parameters are returned in alphabetical order, which is critical for signature validation. Ensure to maintain this order when generating hashes to avoid validation issues.


Calculating the Expected Signature

Generate an HMAC using the SHA256 hashing algorithm. The signing secret of the endpoint serves as the key, and the payload string as the message.


Validating Signature Accuracy

Match the signature in the header against the calculated signature. Evaluate the time difference between the current and the received timestamps, checking if it falls within your acceptable range. To counter timing attacks, employ a constant-time string comparison method when matching the expected signature against the received ones.

Rotate secret

Syndicate allows you to rotate your webhook secret at any time. To do so, simply update your webhook secret in the Syndicate dashboard or via API call. This will immediately invalidate the old secret and generate a new one. You can then use the new secret to validate callbacks.

Webhook Events and Payloads


This event is triggered each time there is an update to a transaction’s status. The event payload includes the following details:

2 "data": {
3 "blockNumber": "optional<number_of_the_block>",
4 "chainId": "<blockchain_chain_id>",
5 "previousStatus": "<status_before_change>",
6 "projectId": "<your_project_id>",
7 "status": "<current_status>",
8 "transactionHash": "<hash_of_transaction>",
9 "transactionId": "<unique_transaction_id>",
10 "reverted": "optional<true_or_false>"
11 },
12 "eventType": "TransactionStatusChange"

Example of Signature Validation

This code snippet demonstrates how to validate the signature of a webhook request using a Node.js app:

1import * as crypto from 'crypto';
2import * as express from 'express';
4const app = express();
8'/webhook', (req, res) => {
10 const signatureHeader = req.headers['syndicate-signature'] as string;
11 if (!signatureHeader) {
12 return res.status(401).send('No signature header provided');
13 }
15 const { timestamp, signature } = parseSignatureHeader(signatureHeader);
16 if (!timestamp || !signature) {
17 return res.status(401).send('Invalid signature header');
18 }
20 const fiveMinutesAgo = - (5 * 60 * 1000);
21 if (timestamp < fiveMinutesAgo) {
22 return res.status(403).send('Request is too old to be trusted');
23 }
25 const expectedSignature = generateSignature(req.body, timestamp, WEBHOOK_SECRET);
26 if (crypto.timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(signature), Buffer.from(expectedSignature))) {
27 res.status(200).send('Signature verified successfully');
28 } else {
29 res.status(401).send('Invalid signature');
30 }
33function parseSignatureHeader(header: string): { timestamp?: number, signature?: string;} {
34 const elements = header.split(',');
35 const timestamp = parseInt(elements.find((e) => e.startsWith('t='))?.split('=')[1] || '');
36 const signature = elements.find(e => e.startsWith('s='))?.split('=')[1];
37 return { timestamp, signature };
40function generateSignature(body: object, timestamp: number, secret: string): string {
41 const payload = JSON.stringify({
42 ...body,
43 triggeredAt: timestamp
44 });
45 return crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret)
46 .update(payload)
47 .digest('hex');
50const port = 3000;
51app.listen(port, () => {
52 console.log(`Webhook listener running on port ${port}`);

Our system is designed to ensure reliable delivery of webhooks. If the initial attempt to send a webhook fails, the system will automatically retry up to five times. After five unsuccessful attempts, it will cease further retries. The system expects a successful response, specifically an HTTP status code below 300, to confirm that the webhook has been successfully delivered.