Sign Typed Data With Lookup
Sign EIP712 compliant typed data after asserting all lookups are valid. Lookups can be view or pure functions on smart contracts. Responses are compared to specified values in the request.
Path parameters
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Specify a maximum of 5 contract lookups to compare data with. All lookups must be valid to receive a signature by the ‘signerAddress’.
Data to be signed by the ‘signerAddress’. The message’s structure must be correctly defined in the ‘types’ mapping, specified by the ‘primaryType’.
Specifies the name of the key in ‘types’ that describes the shape of the ‘message’.
Address of a project wallet that will be used to sign the ‘message’.
Type definitions of the domain and data you are requesting signature of. At minimum you must define the domain with key ‘EIP712Domain’ and the type of your message with key specified by ‘primaryType’. More information here.
(Optional) ID of the request. Needs to be a valid UUID. If provided, it will be saved and returned as the signatureId of the response. If not provided, we will generate one for you and return it as the signatureId.
The raw data requested to be signed.
The signature of ‘message’ by the ‘signerAddress’.
The address of the signer of the ‘signature’.
UUID of the signature request.